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❤️  holistic & integrative & salutogenic approach to health

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Resilience Training

  • Saturday, August 08, 2020
  • 09:00 - 13:45
  • Zoom

Join us and practising ways to be more resilient!

  • anxiety into courage, 
  • stress into engagement, 
  • anger into compassion and self-compassion,
  • high arousal into the ability to let go,

contributes towards developing emotional and physical resilience,

as it strengthens our rhythmic system as the source of health and resilience.

  • Please find full introduction / programme / booking form in the links below, thank you.

Tell me more!

The conference is being organised by Dr Peter Gruenewald, MD

The timetable can be downloaded to give you an idea of the plan, though we may deviate slightly from this depending on the needs of conference participants.

Use the link below to download the training info and conference programme.

Use the line below to complete your booking, thank you.

Training Info          Programme          Booking Form

Please get in touch with the contact person or organisation listed in each event if more info or help is needed, thank you. 

Anthroposophic Medicine UK may assist in enrolling individuals to some events but does not organise nor is responsible for events.

If you would like to receive information on public events bi-monthly, please sign up to our public mailing list, thank you. 

ANTHROPOSOPHIC MEDICINE UK is an online platform for Anthroposophic Health and Social Care Professionals in the UK. It is a project of the Anthroposophic Medical Association and is supported by the Anthroposophic Medical Association, the Association of Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts, the Rhythmical Massage Therapy Associationthe UK Association for Anthroposophic Counselling & PsychotherapyEurythmy Therapy Association & Professional Association of Biographical Counsellors.

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