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❤️  holistic & integrative & salutogenic approach to health

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Eurythmy Therapy can be used for all age groups and most cases of constitutional, chronic or acute illness. Examples of where eurythmy therapy may be of benefit include:nervous diseases (acute and degenerative), metabolic, heart and circulatory diseases; musculo-skeletal disorders psyciatric and pyschosomatic conditions; also for assistance with issues of child development, eye conditions and teeth displacement.


Eurythmy Therapy was developed as a movement therapy in 1921 by the Austrian philosopher, scientist and educator Dr Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). The gestures and movements of the performing art of eurythmy are modified for therapy purposes. Eurythmy therapy is one essential element of the system of anthroposophic medicine. This integrates both natural scientific and anthroposophic-humanistic knowledge. It is the aim of eurythmy therapy to help the patient to activate their own intrinsic powers of healing and enable them to find a way to a state of balanced health.

Eurythmy therapy uses the medium of the sounds of speech and the tones of music as they manifest in movement. Each sound of speech has a corresponding form in movement, which is created by the upright human being, principally by means of their arms. The consonants manifest as mobile sculptural forms, vowels as geometric forms. In the same way, elements from music eurythmy (gestures for the notes of music and the intervals between them) can be reshaped into musical eurythmy therapy exercises.

Please find four short videos below which illustrate a eurythmy therapy session in practice: What is Eurythmy Therapy, Eurythmy Therapy in Pain Management, Eurythmy Therapy in Neuro Rehabilitation and Helping Children Grow with Eurythmy Therapy.


Eurythmy Therapy Association Ltd. is the professional Association for Eurythmy Therapists working in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The Association is a voluntary body furthering and supporting the work of Eurythmy Therapy and Eurythmy therapists throughout the British Isles. ​​Members can attain the international quality label, AnthroMed through the ETA Ltd.

The association is part of the international network of eurythmy therapy associations: Eurythmy Therapy International and Eurythmy Therapy International Network and a member of IFAT.

The association works closely with many UK groups and organisations promoting Eurythmy such as Eurythmy West Midlands and Eurythmy UK providing eurythmy training, Eurythmy Therapy Training providing eurythmy therapy training and Eurythmy Association of Great Britain and Ireland.

What is

Eurythmy Therapy

Eurythmy Therapy

in Pain Management

Eurythmy Therapy

in Neuro Rehabilitation

Helping Children Grow

with Eurythmy Therapy

ANTHROPOSOPHIC MEDICINE UK is an online platform for Anthroposophic Health and Social Care Professionals in the UK. It is a project of the Anthroposophic Medical Association and is supported by the Anthroposophic Medical Association, the Association of Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts, the Rhythmical Massage Therapy Associationthe UK Association for Anthroposophic Counselling & PsychotherapyEurythmy Therapy Association & Professional Association of Biographical Counsellors.

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