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❤️  holistic & integrative & salutogenic approach to health

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A three-year, post-graduate course in psychotherapy, psychopathology & psychosomatics

This course is based on the principle that the human being today has great potential based on the power of our eternal spirit. Our spiritual self can withstand the most difficult life circumstances but that all manner of problems can prevent its healthy unfolding.

It provides an integrative, holistic training that addresses psychological and complex psychosomatic problems from an anthroposophic perspective.

This training is for practising and qualified psychological therapists and so applicants will already have embarked on the journey of unfolding both their own and their clients’ potential.


The course comprises interactive seminars which include lectures, group tutorials, discussions and workshop exercises developed for training in Anthroposophic Psychotherapy, as described in A Psychology of Human Dignity by Ad Dekkers*. Each seminar will also incorporate a unique methodology which involves presenting cases in the evening, taking the case into the night, and concluding the next day. The method enables participants to identify with clients’ suffering and their experience of difficult and complex psychological problems. Short interim seminars will enable participants to link the learning with their ongoing clinical practice in a way which resembles clinical supervision.


Year 1: The anthroposophic understanding of human development; the basic principles of anthroposophic psychotherapy interventions; difficulties with embodiment and attaching to life; anthroposophic psychotherapy’s holistic body, soul, spirit principles.

Year 2: The power and vulnerability of the client’s individuality (self, I); pathogenesis and pathology in childhood and adulthood; trauma and anthroposophic psychotherapy interventions; the broader historical and evolutionary context of anthroposophic psychotherapy. Transgenerationality.

Year 3: Interdisciplinarity, collaborative approaches, working with anthroposophic medicine and therapies to address imbalances in the body and the soul; neurosis, psychosis, personality disorders.


The course is structured as a three-year course with an optional fourth year. The certificates will be awarded to graduates who have one of the following UK registrations or accreditations: registration with the UKCP as a psychotherapist, the HCPC as a clinical psychologist or counselling psychologist, the BMC as a doctor or accredited with the BACP as a counsellor/psychotherapist. The award is made by the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum and will reflect the national registration or accreditation of the course participant.

Course participants who complete four years will be able to apply for UKCP (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy) psychotherapy registration since the course meets the training requirements of UKCP registration. The course will include written work at university postgraduate level for approval by a university organisational member of the UKCP. This will involve an optional extra add-on fourth year course over a period of twelve months. As well as meeting the training requirements the course will also assist students to prepare a portfolio of evidence to meet the UKCP humanistic and integrative section criteria involving a compilation of client hours, supervision, and personal therapy.

The three-year certificate will state that the course participant has trained on a post graduate course in anthroposophic based psychotherapy, psychopathology and psychosomatics based on the anthroposophic understanding of the human being and is knowledgeable in anthroposophic psychotherapy.

The four-year certificate will state that the course participant has trained on a post graduate course in anthroposophic based psychotherapy, psychopathology and psychosomatics based on the anthroposophic understanding of the human being and is qualified in anthroposophic psychotherapy.

Graduates will also become members of the UK psychotherapy association (Mercury, the association of counsellors and psychotherapists working out of Anthroposophy). Mercury is a member of the International Federation of Anthroposophic Psychotherapy Associations (IFAPA) and so graduates will also be able to join the international community of anthroposophic psychotherapists and attend all IFAPA events.



The course in Anthroposophic Psychotherapy is for professionals working in clinical practice who have already completed a basic training in psychotherapy, counselling, clinical psychology, counselling psychology or psychiatry.

Applicants should either be registered with the UKCP, the HCPC or the BMC (or accredited with the BACP in the case of counsellors) or working towards registration or accreditation, or the equivalent in other countries.

Applicants must also be involved in clinical practice. So enquirers whose training and experience is predominantly in the field of education, art therapy, social care and social work will generally not be eligible unless they can demonstrate that they also have substantial training and experience in a talking therapy such as psychotherapy and counselling under clinical supervision and working to a code of ethics of such organisations as the UKCP, BACP and the BPS.


Course Leader DrPhil John Lees

Ad DekkersHenriette Dekkers, and Marah Evans.


This list also includes other events organised by the International Federation of Anthroposophical Psycotherapy Associations or a representative will be present at the event. Mercury-UKAACP's event also listed here.

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ANTHROPOSOPHIC MEDICINE UK is an online platform for Anthroposophic Health and Social Care Professionals in the UK. It is a project of the Anthroposophic Medical Association and is supported by the Anthroposophic Medical Association, the Association of Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts, the Rhythmical Massage Therapy Associationthe UK Association for Anthroposophic Counselling & PsychotherapyEurythmy Therapy Association & Professional Association of Biographical Counsellors.

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