ARTS THERAPIES - INTERVENTIONS FOR HEALING AND GROWTH. Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts supports people of all ages to find ways of dealing with life’s challenges. They are complementary art therapies based on the understanding of the human being of body soul and spirit. Artist activity expands our awareness, helps us to discover new directions, and connect with our inner resources. |
Therapeutic speech is part of the holistic health care model practiced in Anthroposophic medicine. It is an interactive therapy that engages the forming forces of speech and voice, including sounds and rhythms of language, gesture and movement, and - underlying all - the breath. Through this creative media Therapeutic Speech stimulates the natural healing processes in the human being toward a reestablishment of a healthy balance and wholeness. Anthroposophic therapeutic music is a music-centred approach. It is fundamentally focussed on facilitating and deepening musical experiences. No previous musical skills or knowledge, virtuosity or mastery of an instrument is required. Therefore, mainly easy-to-play instruments are used. Percussion, string, plucked and wind instruments are specifically selected, as well as the most precious of all instruments - the human voice. Many of the musical instruments are distinctly anthroposophic instruments, such as the lyre and chrotta, swinging metal rods, particular wind instruments and a large variety of other musical instruments. Therapeutic Singing engages the human voice as a healing modality, working with breathing and a wide range of exercises. | VISUAL THERAPEUTIC ARTSVisual Therapeutic Arts tap into our creativity, this inner source of life forces. The possibilities are as limitless as creativity itself. William Blake called art “the tree of life”; art indeed has a profound effect on us. Already through simple exploration of art materials our senses are stimulated, here we can engage in our very own individual way. Different colours, their interplay, emerging shapes, lines, light and darkness or manipulating soft, moist clay inspire our mind, soul and spirit. Art has both a physical and a psychological effect on us. |