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Professional & Personal Development Training in Mental Health

An in-depth Anthroposophic Training incorporating Personal and Professional Development with twelve modules spanning three years with Mike Chase, Dr James Dyson, Marah Evans & Dr Michael Evans

This well established training is designed to address the complex theme of Mental Health in the context of the demands of modern life and changes in human consciousness. It aims to facilitate understanding of human development from an anthroposophic perspective in a creative dialogue with theory and practise from contemporary psychotherapeutic and social care.

The Training offers a unique opportunity to explore these themes within inter-disciplinary group work that aims to develop self reflective practice and interpersonal skills needed for peer and professional working.


  • Heath Care Professionals
  • Social Therapists
  • Educators
  • Counsellors
  • Administrators and Managers in the field of Health and Social Care

THEMES Covered In The Twelve Modules Of The Programme

Module 1 Core Psychological Themes: Psychology and related psychotherapeutic perspectives including anthroposophy and mainstream: Introducing general cosmology, psychology and morphology of the human being as body, soul and spirit as an expression of self consciousness: Comparative morphology contrasting distinctive gestures of the animal & human skeleton.

Module 2 Childhood Development 0-7 years: Physical embodiment, including neurological and immunological development; Laying the foundations for understanding sensory psychology and attachment theory in relation to lasting effects of trauma; related organ studies – organ observations - brain & spleen.

Module 3 Childhood Development 7-14 years: Cultivating health and well-being in middle childhood, habits - rhythm vs ritual; related organ studies – heart, lung and rhythmic system; 9th year developmental “rubicon”; Introduction to the twelve senses and the seven life processes and their corresponding expression in terms of adult learning.

Module 4 Adolescence 14-21: Challenges of soul development including crises of identity, idols & “ego-ideals” and the search for personal authenticity; related family and relationship dynamics; eating disorders (part I); acknowledging and expressing sexuality and gender; self harm; related organ observations – liver, kidney and adrenals; introducing different soul types.

Module 5 Anxiety & Trauma: Phenomenology of anxiety, its expression, meaning and management; trauma and its relationship to the renal and adrenal system; exploring the interactions of sensory and metabolic processes via the seven life processes; psychospiritual manifestations of separation and loss; awakening the “I” in its higher function as a witness to soul.

Module 6 Depression & Bipolar Phenomena: Exploring their somatic, psychological, spiritual and medical perspectives; grief and mourning; life processes and their correlates in the soul; working with depression and suicidal ideation; encountering psychotic phenomena in relation to inner and outer threshold experiences, sense organs and metabolic processes.

Module 7 Obsessive Disorders and Compulsive Behaviours: Addictions and eating disorders (part 2); differentiating primitive and higher (rational) ego defenses; encountering mid-life crises of meaning and identity; spiritual emergence and spiritual emergency; Understanding how therapeutic care communities may support rehabilitation.

Module 8 Personality Structure 1: Introducing the concept of personality structure and its relation to historic changes in human consciousness; exploring twelvefoldness of the zodiac, related zodiacal polarities and their expression through the three planes of space; experiencing planes of space through movement and drama and their corresponding personality structures including the use of mask; narcissism, avoidant, paranoid & histrionic personality types and their related therapeutic approaches.

Module 9 Personality Structure 2: Content developing general themes as with 1, module 8, now addressing obsessive, antisocial, dissociative & borderline personality types and their related therapeutic approaches; Differentiating these personality disorder from psychotic precesses. Mentalisation as a therapeutic modality.

Module 10 Personality Structure 3: Content developing general themes as with 1, module 8, now addressing schizoid, schizotypal, passive -aggressive and dependant personality types - Codependency and therapeutic approaches; differentiating schizoid, schizotypal and schizophrenic phenomena. Steiner’s twelve philosophical world views in relation to personality structure. The hero/heroine’s journey.

Module 11 Addressing the Question of Evil: Recognising distortions in self and society - discernment exercise based on seven life processes; confronting the challenges of fear, hatred and doubt and their deeper origins; differentiating the Luciferic and Ahrimanic doubles.

Module 12 Confl ict & Community Building: Addressing forces underlying conflict within organisations and communities: mediation; biographic view exercise; exploring evolutionary changes as these relate to individual development and collective responsibility; working with loss and change; beginnings and endings within therapeutic practice and beyond.


The programme offers participants opportunities to explore these challenging themes in ways that are based on lived experience rather than only on abstract diagnosis. It also aims to enhance capacities to respond meaningfully to psychological challenges.

Skills in inter-disciplinary group work, self-reflective practice and intervision are developed for peer and professional co-working. All presenters aim to model and encourage creative dialogue between anthroposophic and current psychotherapeutic paradigms and practice.

The themes including: Core Psychological, Childhood Development 0-7 years, Childhood Development 7-14 years , Adolescence 14-21, Anxiety & Trauma, Depression & Bipolar Phenomena, Obsessive Disorders and Compulsive Behaviours, Personality, Addressing the Question of Evil, Conflict & Community Building. more info, please see course info below.


Professionals active in counselling, psychotherapy, social work and Health and Social Care are warmly invited to apply for a place on this Seminar as well as teachers, therapists, educators, administrators and other individuals committed to deepening their understanding for both adolescents and adults. A basic interest in and wish to deepen an Anthroposophic understanding of human development and psychology will be assumed.

More course info can be found Mental Health Seminar.


ANTHROPOSOPHIC MEDICINE UK is an online platform for Anthroposophic Health and Social Care Professionals in the UK. It is a project of the Anthroposophic Medical Association and is supported by the Anthroposophic Medical Association, the Association of Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts, the Rhythmical Massage Therapy Associationthe UK Association for Anthroposophic Counselling & PsychotherapyEurythmy Therapy Association & Professional Association of Biographical Counsellors.

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