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Training & Course in Anthroposophic Health and Social Care

Upcoming educational events are listed here. The professional courses and training info in the UK are described in separate pages can be found below within the vertical menu. A number of introductory courses are also available for non-professionals via Crossfields Institute GroupEmerson College and 

Rudolf Steiner House. If you run a training course which is not yet represented here, please contact us to provide information to add to the website.

Year: 2024

1January, 2024
Jan 27 English Training in Anthroposophic Medicine 2023
Jan 29 Taster Sessions on Rhythmical Massage Therapy Training
Feb 07 Postgraduate Course in Psychotherapy, Psychopathology & Psychosomatics
Feb 15 Taster Sessions on Rhythmical Massage Therapy Training
Mar 02 Foundation Studies
Mar 07 Taster Sessions on Rhythmical Massage Therapy Training
Mar 13 Tobias School of Art & Therapy: Taster Session
Mar 18 Taster Sessions on Rhythmical Massage Therapy Training
Apr 02 Eurythmy Therapy Training
Apr 03 Rhythmical Massage Therapy Training
Apr 20 Taster Session of Biographical Counselling Skills
Apr 27 Taster Sessions of Postgraduate Course in Psychotherapy, Psychopathology & Psychosomatics
May 04 English Training in Anthroposophic Medicine 2023
May 15 Tobias School of Art & Therapy: Open Day
May 19 Taster Sessions of Rhythmical Einreibung Foundation Course
May 20 Taster Sessions of Rhythmical Einreibung Foundation Course
May 29 Postgraduate Course in Psychotherapy, Psychopathology & Psychosomatics
Jun 18 Taster Sessions on Rhythmical Massage Therapy Training
Jun 24 Taster Sessions on Rhythmical Massage Therapy Training
Jul 05 Taster Sessions on Rhythmical Massage Therapy Training
Jul 09 Mental Health Seminars 2025 Taster
Jul 22 Taster Sessions of Rhythmical Einreibung Foundation Course
Jul 24 Mental Health Seminars 2025 Taster
Aug 11 Taster Sessions of Rhythmical Einreibung Foundation Course
Sep 02 Taster Sessions of Rhythmical Einreibung Foundation Course
Sep 07 Mental Health Seminars 2025 Taster
Sep 25 Postgraduate Course in Psychotherapy, Psychopathology & Psychosomatics
Sep 25 Transpersonal Arts in Therapy Training
Sep 30 Rhythmical Massage Therapy Training
Oct 05 English Training in Anthroposophic Medicine 2023
Nov 06 Rhythmical Massage Therapy Training

ANTHROPOSOPHIC MEDICINE UK is an online platform for Anthroposophic Health and Social Care Professionals in the UK. It is a project of the Anthroposophic Medical Association and is supported by the Anthroposophic Medical Association, the Association of Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts, the Rhythmical Massage Therapy Associationthe UK Association for Anthroposophic Counselling & Psychotherapy & Eurythmy Therapy Association.

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