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❤️  holistic & integrative & salutogenic approach to health

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Anthroposophic Medicine


Anthroposophic Medicine is an holistic, integrative and salutogenic approach to diagnosis and treatment which extends conventional western medical training. Put in another way, Anthroposophic medicine strives for a practice of medicine that values the dimensions of self-healing forces, feelings and emotions, and the individual need for meaning and autonomy as much as the physical aspects of health and illness.

The Anthroposophic Medical Association represents Anthroposophic Physicians in the UK and now a number of other professionals can also become members, including Anthroposophic Nurses and pharmacists. The IVAA (International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations) represents anthroposophic medicine internationally. More details on AMA.

The longstanding collaboration between educationalists, therapists and healthcare professionals within Steiner Waldorf Schools has led in the UK to a pioneering system of training and support for School Health Practitioners,  please also see international school health resource.

Read more on Frequent Questions relating to Anthroposophic Medicine.

Anthroposophic Medicine Service in NHS and private settings

A number of centres exist where Anthroposophic Medicine is practised in England and Scotland, including NHS General Practice settings, charities, hospitals and therapy centres operating on a private or charitable basis. There are Blackthorn Medical Centre (NHS) and the Blackthorn Trust (charity), Camphill Wellbeing Trust, Elysia Therapeutic Centre, Kairos Rehabilitation (charity), London Integrated Health, , Psychotherapist-London, Rowan Tree Centre for HealthSt. Luke’s Therapy Centre and Therapy and Wellness Centre Rudolf Steiner House. Details can be found in the map.

>> More on the system of Anthroposophic Medicine.


Anthroposophic Nursing: according to Vademecum, the special characteristics of Anthroposophic Nursing are: 

  • A holistic, integrative image of the human being which provides the guidance of the anthroposophic nursing activities.
  • Support of recovery and healing processes with special attention to the individual developmental needs of the patient.
  • The use of wraps, compresses, baths and embrocations such as Rhythmical Einreibung to strengthen the self-healing forces within the patient.
  • Takes into account biological, soul, and spiritual rhythms in nursing.
  • Commitment by nursing staff to ongoing professional and personal development.

Anthroposophic Nurses, Midwives and other Paramedical professionals (as well as students of these professions) are very welcome to join the Anthroposophic Medical Association as Associate Members in the UK. Internationally, info can be found on the website of International Forum for Anthroposophic Nursing.


Anthroposophic Pharmacy is derived from two sources: "material" science on the one hand, and "spiritual" science on the other. Neither one may be taken in isolation. Anthroposophy recognises a relationship between human beings and nature through their common evolution. This relationship is the basis for anthroposophic pharmacy. (from the website of the International Association of Anthroposophic Pharmacists (IAAP).

Anthroposophic Pharmacists are very welcome to join the Anthroposophic Medical Association as Associate Members. Pharmacists who are involved with the development, production and distribution of Anthroposophic Medicinal Products (AMP) are organised in the International Association of Anthroposophic Pharmacists (IAAP).

Manufactureres of medicinal products listed by IAAP: Wala, Weleda, Iscador, Helixor and Abnoba.

WALA Heilmittel GmbH has been developing natural preparations since 1935. Today, WALA has two divisions: WALA Medicines and Dr. Hauschka Skin Care. Wala has a wide range of medicines for which mineral, animal and plant substances are processed - for example gold, bees or buckhorn. The selection of the active substances, their preparation and composition gives them their very own quality. Dr Hauschka's body oils and bath additives are used in nursing, therapy or as in self-care.

Weleda was founded in 1925. In the UK, it is based in Ilkeston, Derbyshire. All the manufacturing processes for natural medicines and body care products take place there – from the growing of the plants to the finished product. Weleda products are prepared without artificial additives, preservatives, sweeteners or colourings, and they are not tested on animals. The medicines can be bought from health stores, pharmacies or direct from Weleda and all are available on NHS prescription. To learn more of their believe and practice.

>> How to obtain Anthroposophic Medicines.

A film portrait of anthroposophic medicine in seven episodes with subtitle in English:Art of Healing 

ANTHROPOSOPHIC MEDICINE UK is an online platform for Anthroposophic Health and Social Care Professionals in the UK. It is a project of the Anthroposophic Medical Association and is supported by the Anthroposophic Medical Association, the Association of Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts, the Rhythmical Massage Therapy Associationthe UK Association for Anthroposophic Counselling & PsychotherapyEurythmy Therapy Association & Professional Association of Biographical Counsellors.

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