Anthroposophic Medicine Training |
A number of options are available to doctors wanting to train in Anthroposophic Medicine in English. There is training available in the United Kingdom and there are also some international options. GENERAL ANTHROPOSOPHIC MEDICINE TRAINING:
The English Training in Anthroposophic Medicine at Emerson College , England. This three year course is the only route available in the UK to gain international certification as an anthroposophic physician.
The Applied AnthroMedicine Training at Aberdeen, Scotland. This is a shorter course, with an applied focus, using a three-fold model of health, illness and treatment approaches. International Training are also available in the English Language. MISTLETOE THERAPY TRAINING & INFORMATIONFor the public
For professionals
SCHOOL HEALTH PRACTITIONER'S TRAINING:The School Health Practitioners training is suitable for doctors and other professionals who are interested in focusing on anthroposophic medical ways of working with school children. UK POST-GRADUATE CPD EVENTSThese events are open to doctors who have trained or are training in Anthroposophic Medicine.
| DR GEOFFREY DOUCH SCHOLARSHIP FUNDThe Dr Geoffrey Douch Scholarship Fund is open to any doctor from all over the world in financial need who has been offered a place to study in the English Training in Anthroposophic Medicine at Emerson College. Please see the terms of the award and how to apply. UPCOMING EVENTSThis list also includes other events promoting the learning of Anthroposophic Medicine for professionals.