Full-time 3 years or /Part-time 4 years starting 2021 September
Transpersonal Art Counsellor, City and Guilds: Level 7 (MCGI)
The Tobias Transpersonal Arts in Therapy training responds to a growing need for a holistic approach to the concepts and practices of arts in therapy. The course is grounded in Transpersonal Arts practice, that is rooted in image and metaphor that provides a sound and coherent foundation for therapeutic practice. The programme focuses on deepening the student’s proficiency in engaging through art and the human encounter for wellbeing, personal growth, and social change. Counselling is developed as an art, the conscious art of transformative meeting.
The student is trained in Visual Arts and is able to make proficient use of artistic techniques, exercises and materials.
The shared orientation of the programme at Tobias is the developmental philosophy founded by Rudolf Steiner, known as Anthroposophy, a modern spiritual path that respects the freedom of each individual, through a holistic understanding of body, soul and spirit.
Students are invited to explore this approach in order to come to their own judgements about its validity and relevance. This is taught within a critical context including Psychodynamic and Humanistic theory and practice.
The student will be taught how to build and maintain relationships and how to contact and communicate with people within professional boundaries. The students will be able to initiate, maintain and conclude a working relationship. the student is taught compliance with current government legislation and professional association regulations.
Our training offers distinctive curricula that unites a broad range of artistic, theoretical and experiential approaches into a whole journey. We believe art works through the human being’s senses to free and harmonise the dynamics of body, soul and spirit.
Once graduate, the work places are
- Primary Care: independent practice; possible affiliation with a GP practice, therapy centre, health centre or psychotherapy practice.
- Mental health care: psychiatry, substance abuse recovery, psychotherapeutic clinic, prevention programme.
- Special Needs centres.
- Care of the elderly: geriatric nursing homes.
- Education and youth care: primary school, secondary school, college of further education, child therapy centre, special education.
- Terminal Care and bereavement.
- Prison service, probation, rehabilitation.
- Asylum centres and refugee work.
- Hospitals, hospices, respite centres.
- Convalescent homes, rehabilitation centres and facilities for those with acquired brain injury or physical impairment.
Tobias Transpersonal Arts in Therapy Training is a professional training, academically accredited by the City & Guilds at Level 7, Membership Level, (Masters equivalent). This award does not lead to registration as an Art Therapist with Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) in Britain. Those wishing to practice in the UK will need to practice under a different title (Transpersonal Arts Counsellor or Therapeutic Arts Practitioner) unless already registered. Our graduates are, however, eligible to apply for accreditation with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).
Tobias is registered with the International Academy of Anthroposophic Arts Therapies Educations, iARTe, previously known as the European Academy for Anthroposophical Art Therapy. Our training applies the iARTe guidelines which are recognized by the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland.
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