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Taster session: Quietude Practitioner Training 2025

  • Saturday, February 08, 2025
  • Online

Quietude® is designed to train and empower people to become true soul companions to those on the threshold of death. It is a path of development for people of all faiths and doubts, open to the idea of the continuity of life beyond the gateway we call death.

Our new Blended Course format of ten days summer residential followed by ten 3 or 4-hour online sessions has been designed, by popular request, to meet the needs of international participants wanting to embark on the journey of Quietude, as well as those living in more distant parts of the UK.

The course creates a safe space in which to open the language and conversation around death and dying in a conscious, compassionate way, and provides a deep level of skills, knowledge and understanding of what is possible. Through this training you can deepen your ability to offer spiritual and emotional support those with a life limiting illness or the elderly frail who are in need end-of-life care.

Online Taster Sessions

We are delighted to offer you the following online taster sessions, giving you an opportunity to meet the course leader, and previous participants. Please select a date/time and click the link to register to attend.



Please get in touch with the contact person or organisation listed in each event if more info or help is needed, thank you. 

Anthroposophic Medicine UK may assist in enrolling individuals to some events but does not organise nor is responsible for events.

If you would like to receive information on public events bi-monthly, please sign up to our public mailing list, thank you. 

ANTHROPOSOPHIC MEDICINE UK is an online platform for Anthroposophic Health and Social Care Professionals in the UK. It is a project of the Anthroposophic Medical Association and is supported by the Anthroposophic Medical Association, the Association of Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts, the Rhythmical Massage Therapy Associationthe UK Association for Anthroposophic Counselling & PsychotherapyEurythmy Therapy Association & Professional Association of Biographical Counsellors.

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