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The People's Declaration for Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Healthcare

Saturday, August 13, 2022 08:59 | Chia-Li Blackett (Administrator)

A worldwide project calling for full access to traditional, complementary and integrative healthcare should be part of the right to health.

'The People’s Declaration calls for the respectful collaboration between traditional, complementary and biomedical practices with the aim of achieving a person-centred and holistic approach to health. The healthcare we want focuses on the whole person, is participative, respects individual choices as well as cultural diversity and integrates clinical experience and patient values with the best available research information. Full access to traditional, complementary and integrative healthcare should be part of the right to health.'

To read more on desirable healthcare, benefits & limitations, inspirations & concerns and call to action, please visit TCIH website.

Join the call to action, sign, support and follow the Declaration milestones at!

27th OCT Q&A Webinar: United for Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Healthcare

Click here to access  multiple languages PDF of TCIH's declarations.

ANTHROPOSOPHIC MEDICINE UK is an online platform for Anthroposophic Health and Social Care Professionals in the UK. It is a project of the Anthroposophic Medical Association and is supported by the Anthroposophic Medical Association, the Association of Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts, the Rhythmical Massage Therapy Associationthe UK Association for Anthroposophic Counselling & PsychotherapyEurythmy Therapy Association & Professional Association of Biographical Counsellors.

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