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The best place to find out more is this page summarising research in Anthroposophic Medicine on the Medical Section website.

Specific clinical topic summaries are available in some clinical areas, including:

The Camphill Wellbeing Trust also lists relevant English language publications on their website.

New publications are regularly produced and won't always be available on this site, but key publications may be added as news stories below. You can subscribe to the Merkurstab journal and access archived content at Some English language content is available within the AnthroMed Library.

The challenges of research in Anthroposophic medicine are covered in two summary papers on the topic:

Please also see Research and Publication in the International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations (IVAA) website.


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  • Wednesday, October 28, 2020 15:59 | Simon van Lieshout (Administrator)

    Manifesting your Best Future Self is a book by Dr. Peter Gruenewald which has recently been published. Dr. Gruenewald says:

    "It’s easy to feel daunted by life circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and by the personal, professional, and financial challenges that are arising from it. Unhealthy levels of stress have become widespread, resulting in physical and emotional health problems such as impaired immunity, weight problems, migraines, insomnia, hypertension, anxiety, irritability, and low mood.

    This book introduces a highly effective approach that helps you trade tension, fear, anxiety, anger, and sadness for love, appreciation, gratitude, and enthusiasm, even under pressure.

    You’ll notice a difference within days."

    Practicing these techniques can help you:

    • Deal with challenges and stress effectively.
    • Improve relationships at work and at home.
    • Develop more resilience and resist burnout and extreme stress.
    • Improve your well-being, health, and performance, even during crisis, challenges, or continual change.

    Over decades of clinical experience as a family doctor, integrated physician and resilience trainer, Dr. Gruenewald has seen the lives of his patients and clients enhanced by regular practice of these simple techniques. Dedicating just a short time each day to one or two of these exercises can have surprising benefits and lead to greater fulfillment in every realm of life. This book is an essential read for everyone who wants to take hold of their physical and emotional health and their destiny in challenging times.

  • Wednesday, June 03, 2020 15:48 | Simon van Lieshout (Administrator)

    Homeopathic and Anthroposophic Medicinal Products in the EU

    This report from ECHAMP reviews the current state of homeopathic and anthroposophic medicinal products, which have been safely on the market in Europe for many decades, and highlights the value of many treatments in supporting EU health policy goals.

    This publication confirms the long-established use, the very high safety profile, the high level of patient satisfaction and the emerging evidence base for the effectiveness of these medicines. It presents a unique picture of the real world context for this sector with up-to-date data on the industry, outlining the added value these therapies offer to society in terms of safety, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and the environment. It is the only such source for summarised EU data on this sector.

  • Sunday, May 03, 2020 16:12 | Simon van Lieshout (Administrator)

    The British Holistic Medical Association envisages:

    " a more sustainable, compassionate and ‘human’ approach to how we deliver mainstream medicine "

    The BHMA want to move away from over-prescription and underpin core values in healthcare such as compassion, balance, community-minded, connected, empowered, holistic, integrated, intuitive, meaningful, resilient, self-caring, wisdom and love.

    Through their journal and website, the BHMA explores what holism means and stimulates debate and discussion around what it is to be human and what health looks like. Their values and aspirations align closely with those of the  Anthroposophic Medical Association so we are very happy to have partnered up with the BHMA so that we can offer AMA members a 33% discount on BHMA membership.

    AMA members can find out how to claim their discount on the AMA members page.

  • Wednesday, December 11, 2019 17:33 | Simon van Lieshout (Administrator)

    Another year, another Christmas mistletoe story! Every year one or two newspapers run a story about a cancer patient who has used mistletoe therapy to help them. This year's story comes from the Mirror:

    There is always a surge in calls to mistletoe therapy centres following the publication of such a good news story and this year is no exception. One independent practitioner received as many calls in a day as she usually receives in a month and the Camphill Wellbeing Trust have also had a lot of new enquiries.

  • Thursday, September 12, 2019 07:55 | Simon van Lieshout (Administrator)

    The UK’s first mistletoe trial has entered its next stage. 

    Run by the University of Bristol, the pilot trial will study the feasibility of testing the effect of mistletoe therapy on symptoms and quality of life in women with newly diagnosed breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy. The trial is now recruiting participants.

    The Camphill Wellbeing Trust launched a fundraising campaign in support of the trial reaching 57% of its goal so far. You can help to raise funds towards phase 2 of the trial by donating online:

  • Thursday, July 11, 2019 14:16 | Simon van Lieshout (Administrator)

    This new guide explains the dangers and risks to children and adolescents inherent in the new media.

    Impairment of brain development, communications stress, danger of addiction, loss of privacy, sites that are unsuitable for young people, cyber bullying and health impairment due to continuous radiation from wireless devices.

    This book illustrates the legal regulations, the safety measures and possible actions needed to prevent dangers or to address them appropriately. It provides an educational standpoint which represents an appropriate balance between the needs of children and adolescents, and the restrictions which are required as precautionary measures to safeguard against the inherent dangers. 

    More information and buy online >>

  • Monday, April 15, 2019 13:00 | Simon van Lieshout (Administrator)

    A statement has been issued by the Medical Section of the Goetheanum and the International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations (IVAA) on the position of Anthroposophic Medicine on Vaccinations. 

    The statement is available on the IVAA News Page.

  • Wednesday, March 21, 2018 06:14 | Simon van Lieshout (Administrator)

    There has been widespread national and  media coverage for a paper by Esther van der Werf-Kok published in BMJ Open. 

    See the University of Bristol Primary Healthcare News for more information.

    The BMJ Paper analysed prescribing data for practices in England who employed GPs with additional training in Integrative Medicine, including Anthroposophic Medicine, and found that prescription rates for antibiotics (which GPs are always trying to find ways to reduce) were 22% lower in practices with GPs trained in Integrative Medicine than in the average more conventional GP surgery, even after adjustment for many other factors.

    This is likely to be because Integrative Medicine training gives the GPs tools other than antibiotics for helping their patients who attend their GPs for help with managing their symptoms. Further research is warranted in this area given the importance of reducing antibiotic prescribing rates. Anthroposophic Medicine has developed strategies to tackle the problem and has pressed the EU to include Anthroposophic and Homeopathic medicine in its action plan for tackling the problem.

  • Monday, February 05, 2018 08:21 | Simon van Lieshout (Administrator)

    The Anthroposophic Medical Association in the UK decided last week to support the development of this website for Anthroposophic Medicine, Nursing and Therapy professionals in the UK. We aim to build an online presence which attracts interest from professionals and members of the public interested in finding out more about Anthroposophic Medicine, Nursing and Therapy. See our About page for more about the features of this website.

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ANTHROPOSOPHIC MEDICINE UK is an online platform for Anthroposophic Health and Social Care Professionals in the UK. It is a project of the Anthroposophic Medical Association and is supported by the Anthroposophic Medical Association, the Association of Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts, the Rhythmical Massage Therapy Associationthe UK Association for Anthroposophic Counselling & PsychotherapyEurythmy Therapy Association & Professional Association of Biographical Counsellors.

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